iRobot Create Is Ideal DIY Robotics Platform
iRobot's Roomba vacuum cleaner has long been a popular platform for home robotics tinkerers to start modding from, being a stable puck-like base and having an array of sensors already in place. Well, iRobot have obviously decided that if you can't beat them, join them (or at least facilitate them a little better), hence the Create. With the boring vacuum removed and a selection of I/O ports in place, it becomes a great starting point for DIY projects.
Obviously completely devoid of any laurels altogether, Tom over at Botmag has already got his hands on the Create and has knocked up a few entertaining prototypes that range from the school science lab (a robot arm) to the obscure (some sort of robotic hamster?!) It's an entertaining enough review simply for the photos, but if you're in any way tech-minded then I imagine you're already drooling a little at the possibilities iRobot have opened up.