iPhones, iPads Beat Out Android In Enterprise Activation In Good Survey

Good Technology, an enterprise mobility device management vendor, put out a quarterly data report today showing what devices have been most popular at the enterprise level over the past four months. The survey results were gathered from thousands of customers including 40 of the Fortune 100.


Topping the popularity scale at the enterprise level are Apple's iOS products. Thanks to the recent launch of the iPad 2 and the Verizon iPhone 4 along with the price drop of AT&T's iPhone 3GS, Apple products performed extremely well, representing just under 70 percent of all new activations from January 1 to March 31, 2011.

Android devices saw an overall decline of 30 percent among new activations, but represented 40 percent of all smartphone activations. Good predicts that Android will overtake iOS devices in the long haul, but notes that this quarter was a definite win for Apple.

Press Release:

Verizon iPhone 4 Launch Boosts iPhone Enterprise Adoption, Tablet Momentum Continues: Detailed in Good Technology's Q1 2011 Data Report

* Leader in Enterprise Mobility Leverages Data from Thousands of Customers to Shed Light on the iPad's Explosive Growth and the New Multiplatform Mobile Enterprise

REDWOOD SHORES, CA — APRIL 22, 2011 — Good Technology, the leading provider of secure and managed enterprise mobility for iPhone®, iPad®, Android and other leading smartphone platforms, today released its quarterly data report detailing the changing landscape of IT and mobile enterprise technology. The trend of personal smartphones infiltrating the workplace is being led by both Apple's iOS™ and Google's Android™ smartphone platforms. In Q1 of 2011, both platforms were widely deployed by Good' enterprise customers, but with the launch of the Verizon iPhone 4 and the iPad 2, Apple's iOS devices had an especially strong quarter.

"The one-two punch of Verizon's long-awaited iPhone 4 launch and Apple's iPad 2 release made it an especially strong quarter for Apple," said John Herrema, senior vice president of corporate strategy at Good Technology. "AT&T's price drop on the iPhone 3GS to $49 also had a strong impact on overall iPhone activations. We still predict that Android activations will overtake iOS in the long run, but in the first quarter of 2011, Apple's iOS devices were the clear winner among Good's enterprise customers and their end users."

Key Data Points:

* iOS devices represented just under 70 percent of net new activations from January 1 through March 31, 2011

* iOS tablet (iPad + iPad2) share of overall net activations slipped slightly from 22 percent to 20.4 percent over the quarter

* Among the top 10 industry verticals, financial services saw the highest level of iPad activation with 43 percent, more than doubling the amount of activation in any other industry

* Android devices declined just over 30 percent of all net new activations over the quarter, but represented over 40 percent of all smartphone (non tablet) activations


In Good Technology's Q1 2011 metrics report, we take a look at the mobile devices activated by Good Technology's enterprise customers over the first quarter of 2011. Android's overall smartphone market share growth is booming, and we still expect Android smartphone activations by Good's customers to overtake iPhone activations over the course of 2011; however, it's clear that Verizon's launch of the iPhone 4 and AT&T's subsequent iPhone 3GS price reduction significantly boosted overall iPhone activations by Good's customers in Q1. Apple's deal with Verizon to carry its iPhone 4 resulted in the highest rate of activation (16.9 percent) for any new device since Good has been publicly tracking and publishing reports (since Q3 2010).

To download the full report, which includes the methodology for the findings, please visit www.good.com/resources/Good_Data_Q1_2011.pdf.

About Good Technology

Good Technology combines enterprise-grade mobile security and control with an exceptional user experience for messaging and collaboration that allows users to connect and collaborate on their devices of choice. Good opens new possibilities for enterprises, government agencies, and end users to maximize business and personal productivity by providing secure, easy-to-use, and instant mobile access to data, applications and services on hundreds of mobile devices. For more information, visit the Good website at www.good.com.


