iPhone X bug causes touch problems in cold weather

Some iPhone X owners are reporting an unusual issue in which the phone's display becomes unresponsive or laggy when the handset is exposed to a cold environment. The biggest example of this seems to be someone stepping from inside of a warm house out into the cold outdoors. Owners experiencing this problem say the unresponsiveness takes place immediately, not just when the phone itself cools down.


Some iPhone X owners have been reporting this problem on the iPhone subreddit over the last day or so. One Redditor publishing under the handle "darus214" said:

I've noticed that my iPhone X screen becomes very unresponsive as soon as I step outside. It literally takes 2 seconds from going inside to the cold outdoors and my screen stops being very responsive. I try swiping on websites and it doesn't register my finger. It's very noticeable.

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Other iPhone X owners chimed in to say that they, too, have experienced this problem with their handset. One user reports that merely locking and then unlocking the phone corrects the problem, but before that, the phone fails to register many touches. This indicates the problem isn't related to the hardware itself, leaving a software bug of some sort as the likely cause.


Apple has since confirmed the reports and the speculation that a software bug is responsible. In a statement, the company explained:

We are aware of instances where the iPhone X screen will become temporarily unresponsive to touch after a rapid change to a cold environment. After several seconds the screen will become fully responsive again. This will be addressed in an upcoming software update.

SOURCE: Reddit

