Instacart COVID-19 Vaccine Stipend Arrives: Everything You Need To Know

The previously announced COVID-19 vaccine stipend Instacart announced in January is now live, the company said in a recent blog post. Called the 'Vaccine Support Stipend,' Instacart is offering eligible shoppers and shift leads a $25 payment to cover the time off they'd have to take while getting the vaccine.


The idea behind the stipend is simple: someone who depends on the platform for income may avoid getting the vaccine out of concern that they'll lose income during that downtime. The $25 is meant to provide some financial support to help compensate for the time spent getting vaccinated.

According to Instacart, eligible shoppers who have received the COVID-19 vaccine can use the Shopper app to submit a request for the stipend. You'll need to be a full-service shopper, active, and have shopped 'at

least' five batches in the last 30 days in order to make the request.

As well, the company explains that it has been encouraging officials to give shoppers and similar workers early access to the vaccine — though, ultimately, who is eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine at this time depends on the state. If you're eligible to get the vaccine based on your work as a shopper, Instacart is offering the proof you may need.


Within the Shopper app, users can now get a verification letter that confirms they work through the platform. The letter is intended to demonstrate one's status as an essential worker. The company notes that in order to access the letter verification and stipend request, you'll need to update to the latest version of the Shopper app.

