IFA 2007 - GEAR4's Award Winning BluEye iPod Remote & Bluetooth Headset
The beauties at GEAR4 were tired of juggling iPod and ringing cellphone, trying to mute their music before the voicemail kicked in, and so they developed the BluEye remote – a combination iPod remote control and Bluetooth headset. Winner of a MacWorld 2007 best accessory award in late June, the BluEye not only means you can have one headset rather than two, but it turns your iPod into a Caller ID unit.

Available in black or white, it seamlessly pauses and resumes your music at either end of a call, and you can also scroll back through the last nine calls received using the BluEye buttons and your iPod's display. If your cellphone supports voice dialling you can initiate that from the BluEye unit too, and they've even thrown in an FM radio should you be bored of all your iTunes purchases.

It's available now priced at £49.99 ($101 at the current awful exchange rate)