Humble Indie Bundle 7 Ends With $2.65 Million In Sales
The latest Humble Indie Bundle was another huge success. Over the two-week period, Humble Indie Bundle 7 garnered $2.65 million in sales, with almost 396,000 bundles sold. A total of nine indie video games, game soundtracks, and documentary Indie Game: The Movie were a part of the package, including Shank 2 and The Binding of Isaac.
A few more statistics about Humble Indie Bundle include an average selling price of $6.69, with Linux getting the highest average of any OS, with an average $10.48. Windows users took home a majority of the bundles, though, accounting for roughly 75% of all sales, with Mac and Linux even splitting the remaining 25%.
The highest contributor to Humble Indie Bundle 7 was Twitter theme and template company WrapBootstrap with a $1,256 contribution. Website came in a far second with a $555 contribution. Other notable contributions included $500 contributions from both Yelp software engineer Kevin Lange and YouTuber Michael Aranda.
Thanks to contributions made during Humble Indie Bundle 7, the group has raised more than $10 million for charity since initially starting the Humble Indie Bundle, according to Humble Bundle's Jeffrey Rosen. Humble Indie Bundle buyers were able to donate a portion of their contribution to Child's Play Charity and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.