HTC Supersonic Sprint WiMAX Android Phone In Wild?
Last we heard, HTC's Supersonic was a WiMAX smartphone headed for Sprint in the US and running the Android OS. No sign of it on the leaked 2010 HTC roadmap, but according to AndroidMobileOS you're looking at (grainy) shots of the smartphone in the wild.
Their source reckons that this is indeed the Supersonic, claims it has WiMAX onboard and a 4.3-inch screen (which we're guessing is a lot like that found on the HTC HD2). There's also a 1GHz Snapdragon processor and an FM radio, but other than that we're still pretty much in the dark about the specifications.
We're liking the kickstand on the back, however, though we'll reserve judgement on the seemingly touch-sensitive front panel buttons until we've had a chance to tap them ourselves. While the Supersonic was listed – though not by name, only by functionality – on a leaked Sprint document earlier in the month, there was no release date attached.

[via Android Community]