HTC One M8: Packed With Qualcomm Hardware

In an effort to engage the world as fast and effectively as possible with their latest launch, HTC has both revealed and placed on sale, (and given to reviewers), the HTC One M8 this week, all in the span of a day. They've also apparently had an HTC One M8 sent to the folks at iFixit to give a proper teardown treatment right off the bat, showing all the innards with great ease.


While this device is not meant to be taken apart, it would appear that the HTC One M8 is relatively easy to tear down – if you have the right equipment. According to iFixit, they had a rather easy time sliding an opening pick (a specialized teardown tool) around the perimeter of the device to open it up. In doing so, however, they accidentally sliced the digitizer cable, rendering the whole device essentially useless from that point on.

So in tearing this device down yourself – if you for some reason decide you need to do so – make certain you avoid the top side of the device entirely. Stick to the sides for safety.

Of course once you get inside, the HTC One M8 is one of the least repairable smartphones in the world. The HTC One M7 from 2013 was the least repairable smartphone in the world, this year's model is the second. Just to be safe, don't do things that might require repair. It's just that simple.


Inside you'll find bits and pieces like the following: a Synaptics S3528A touchscreen controller, an NXP 44701 NFC controller, and a bit of the ol' SanDisk SDIN8DE4 32 GB NAND flash memory. Qualcomm takes the lead in most bits and pieces inside, working with the following:

• Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 quad-core 2.3 GHz CPU

• Qualcomm PM8941 and PM8841 power management ICs

• Qualcomm WTR1625L RF transceiver

• Qualcomm QFE1550 dynamic antenna matching tuner

The biggest change you're going to see in the HTC One M8 with Qualcomm's help is in power management and quick-charging. Have a peek at our HTC One M8 Extreme Power Saving Mode feature to get more insight.

