HTC 7 Pro for Sprint Preorder Date Begins December 8th, According to Rumor

At the launch of Windows Phone 7, when Microsoft took time out of their busy schedule to show off plenty of new handsets, and let carriers around the world announce when they'd be getting in on the Windows Phone goodness, it also became brutally clear that there wouldn't be a single CDMA-based Windows Phone 7 handset made available right away. But, that didn't stop HTC from showing off that they have a CDMA variant out there, and it's slated to land on the Sprint network early in 2011. According to MS_nerd via Twitter, it looks like preorders for the device will kick off in the first part of December.


The actual launch date for the device is still anyone's guess. And while the first part of 2011 is a good indicator that it's coming "soon-ish," that could still mean there's plenty of months between then and now. A preorder date so early in December could mean a couple of things: first, that the device will be launching in the early stages of January, right after the new year and still part of that holiday shopping streak.

Or, there's a chance that Sprint will open up preorders for the device to Microsoft customers only. Of course, considering that 89,000 Microsoft employees are getting free Windows Phone 7 handsets, this possibility could indeed be a long-shot. There's always the option that this is still just a rumor, and that we should all take it with a grain of salt. But, if it does mean that the HTC 7 Pro is launching a lot sooner than we thought, consider us excited. You can check out our hands-on time with the device right here.


[via WPCentral]

