HP rx4540 - Has The Ship Sailed For The Media PDA?
Is there a market for the cellular-free PDA? I imagine that's the question the bods at HP's iPaq department are quietly asking themselves; they've gone from being kings of the hill (where the hill is the portable computer market) to marginalised and slightly archaic through the combined assault of purpose-specific DAPs such as the iPod and connectivity-bulging smartphones like the Treo. It's into these choppy waters that they launch the rx4540, dubbed a "Mobile Media Companion", which at first glance appears to be a medium-spec PDA with a slightly crappy casing.

Girls Gone Mobile took a good look at the rx4540, pitching it against the current top-dogs in the mobile media world, and came out thinking that while the design and size is good, just about everything else doesn't quite make sense. The screen is too small, the controls too sparse, the memory too scant and the wireless (WiFi b and g and Bluetooth) is missing key features (such as A2DP headphone support). Despite all this, Jenneth awards it 7.5/10; you're more generous than I am!

Review: HP iPAQ rx4540 [Girls Gone Mobile]