HP ENVY 17 3D Laptop Hands-On And Unboxing
As you might already know, we've already had our fingers on a ENVY 17 3D in a small way back in October and indeed the laptop IS now for sale from HP – and you know what that means – Review time! Today we received no less than the ENVY 17 3D laptop in the mail in a freezing cold box (I am in Minnesota, after all,) and couldn't help but to release it from its boxy prison before it was even able to thaw all the way out (you'll notice when I flip the machine upside down that you can see my frozen fingerprints all over it.) Take a look below!
This massive computer comes with it's own pair of high quality 3D glasses (with nice rubbery rims to keep them held on your head.) The glasses are in a pouch, the computer's in a pouch, and the pouches are in boxes and there's a bellyband for the box! It's such a package as I've never before experienced. This massive 17.3-inch beast is sitting inside just waiting to deliver monster amounts of content to our eyeballs at a speedious rate. But not before I get a look at all the boxy goodness that envelopes it.

Of course you know that besides this lovely box and its extra contents, (lots of books and pamphlets and paper and a power cord and a 2GB removable memory card and 3D glasses,) there is a laptop with a gigantic HD screen in here. It's made basically entirely of sweet freezing cold metal, a quadcore Intel Core i7-720QM processor, 2TB of storage and a slot-loading Blu-ray drive.

There's a ATI Mobility Radeon 5850 GPU for graphics, Beats Audio (Dr Dre's spirit is enveloping us all) for sound, and HP's active shutter glasses coupled with the emitter in the bezel of the notebook for 3D movies. Wild! This machine is HEAVY but that's of course because it's so freaking gigantic – like Chris says and I agree with, this isn't the sort of laptop you carry around with you all day.
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Take a look at the close-ups in the gallery below and check out the super exciting unboxing and hands-on video here and get pumped up for the full review coming soon!