How To: Manage Your Facebook, Google App Log-Ins

If you're one to use a social media account to log into an app or service, chances are you've got a lot of them accessing your info. It's a quick and easy way to get up and running with a new app, but if you stop using that app, it may still be accessing your info. If you want to manage those apps and services that can see your details and such (and you should), here's how to go about doing so with Google and Facebook.



Facebook social log-in is easily the more popular option, simply because they've got more users. To check on which apps have access to your Facebook profile — and by virtue your info via Facebook — follow these easy steps.


1. Log-in to your Facebook account.

2. Click the semi-hidden drop-down arrow on the top bar.

3.  Select "Settings".

4. On the settings screen, select "Apps" on the left hand side.

5. If you want to edit what the app has access to, select "Edit". A new screen will pop up, showing you what the app has access to; options you can change if you like.

6. If you'd like to simply remove access, just click the "X" on the far right next to the app in question. A pop-up will ask you to confirm. Select "Remove" if you're sure.


Google may not find the user-ship Facebook does, but the method for finding apps accessing your profile is a bit more complex.

1. From, select "+Your-name" (your name will be plussed).

2. When in Google+, hover your mouse over the "Home" icon toward the top left.


3. Select "Settings" from the list (it's at the bottom).

4. On the new screen, scroll down until you see a header named "apps and Activities". Select the "Manage Apps and Activities" button.

5. If you want to edit the visibility of your app activity, select the "edit" link right under "Visible to". This is where you decide who sees what you've been doing in apps you've got linked to your Google account.

6. To make further changes, including deleting the app from your account, hover over the far left of the screen. A pencil icon will appear. Click on it to bring up options on what to do next.

7. Once you select the icon, a list of options will pop up. Each app is different, but you can typically view and delete your activity, or disconnect the app altogether. If you disconnect the app, a confirmation window will pop up, just as we saw with Facebook.



Facebook and Google are two of the more popular avenues for logging into an app or service, and it's a good idea to check which apps have access now and then. you may be surprised at which apps are still assessing your info!


