How To Download YouTube Mobile Live Streaming Video For iPhone Or Android

Mobile live streaming to YouTube will soon be enabled for users with the right set of prerequisites. For everyone else, it's like a combination of a waiting game and a gameified battle to the top. Once creators on YouTube are OK'ed by Google, they'll have access to mobile live streaming to the masses.


Users that have access to mobile live streaming will see a special Capture button that'll immediately open their window to the rest of the universe. Videos captured this way – streams, as they're live – will be able to be searched for and have all the same protections as normal YouTube videos. These streams can be found through recommendations or added to playlists, too.

Above you'll see an example of what mobile live streaming will look like – watching a guy shop at Target. YouTube's live streaming feature across all devices will now have a much-slowed live chat system. Before 2,000 messages per second were enabled – and that's no good for anybody.

If it wasn't already clear, this functionality will be enabled on the newest version of the standard YouTube app for iOS and Android. Google suggests that their mobile live streaming "uses YouTube's rock-solid infrastructure, meaning it'll be fast and reliable." Streaming users will be able to take part in live sessions with their viewers, watching live chat and – apparently – take live calls at the same time. We'll see how that'll work out soon.


YouTube is launching "Super Chat" as well. This is a system that'll allow creators to make money from their live chats. Users will have the ability to "stand out from the crowd and get a creator's attention by purchasing chat messages that are highlighted in bright colors and stay pinned to the top of the chat window for up to five hours." How could that possibly go wrong?

Requirements include a total of 10,000 subscribers (or more) to get mobile live streaming right this minute. The most popular YouTubers in the world will have the mobile live streaming feature available to them immediately if not soon. To download the YouTube app for Android, head to Google Play now. For iPhone and iPad users (god help us all), head to iTunes App Store to download now.

