How To Download Fire Emblem Heroes On Android And iOS
Release day for Nintendo's Fire Emblem Heroes arrived this week in an odd array of countries – the United States not included. As luck would have it, though, we've been able to download and load the game – and play the game – on our Android smartphone this afternoon. This is regardless of its Google Play Store status – but we're still waiting on the first release for iTunes for iOS devices.
This is one of the first (of many) big moves by Nintendo to make the year 2017 a successful run. Alongside this release is the recent reveal of Super Mario Run, a game that allows only part of it's self to be played without cash. Lucky us, the game Fire Emblem Heroes for Android and iOS is a free game – just so long as we're OK with being able to purchase new heroes down the line.
That is to say – the game is free, the levels and battles are free. The game's "Shop" allows users to Purchase Orbs, Upgrade Castle, Restore Stamina, Restore Dueling Swords, and Expand Barracks. Similar to Clash Royale, this game lets those addicted to playing to play non-stop forever, for cash. Without cash, there's a little waiting involved.
That's the "Stamina" coming in to play. And just like Clash Royale, the game is so extremely entertaining to play, it's difficult to avoid the WANT part of this equation. Something about using swords and bows and arrows to fight tiny chibi cuties against one another – that's what does it.
In addition to restoring one's ability to play continuously, users are able to purchase Orbs which allow users to advance their team of fighters. Orbs summon Heroes, stone colors show hero type, and summoning more Heroes gives the user the ability to get more orbs. It's a vicious cycle.
For iOS users, head to the iTunes App Store right now to see whether the game is available for iPhone and/or iPad. As of publishing time for this article, the game is still restricted to several countries outside of the USA. That link to the iTunes App Store will be the one true place to get the game when the time comes.
For Android users, head over to APK Mirror to download. We do not and can not hold responsibility for the download and loading of this app outside of Google Play. That said, I've personally tested this APK to load the game on a Google Pixel XL – and it works fantastic.