Hov Pod Personal Hovercraft Works All Seasons

The Hov Pod is retailing for a little less than $27k. That means a few things, first, you have to be loaded to buy it, second, it better work for longer than the few months of summer and in more locations than on water.


And it does, apparently if its flat, this thing will work, that means water, mud, sand, snow, maybe even roads. It will even go 45 MPH! That's just crazy to go 45 on something that is just floating, a good industrial fan could probably knock you off course.

Personally I could see myself taking one of these to the local skate (sk8?) park and seeing how it fairs on the half-pipe. At the very least I would have to take it camping and make runs to the camp store in it. But at $27k its all just talk because I will likely never have that kind of money to blow on something like this.

Personal hovercraft for sea, mud, snow [via Crave]

