Here's our first look at Genshin Impact PS5 gameplay

Last week, Sony and miHoYou announced that Genshin Impact will be getting a PlayStation 5 upgrade later this month. The upgrade will be going live alongside the game's version 1.5 update, with both slated to land on April 28th. With just a few days left to go before the PlayStation 5 upgrade arrives, miHoYo and Sony have given us an extended look at some gameplay from the PS5 version of Genshin Impact.


That gameplay is on display in the video you see embedded below. At first blush, the PS5 version of the game looks more or less like what we'd expect Genshin Impact to look like, but one of the biggest differences is the more stable framerate. While the PS4 version seems to target 30fps, the PS5 version is obviously targeting a higher framerate.

That is clear from the gameplay video alone, but where the PlayStation 5 version really shines is in battle. While framerate dips can be fairly common in the PS4 version of the game, the PS5 version seems to offer combat that's a lot smoother.

Another area where the PS5's extra horsepower is obvious is loading. There are many times where we see the player fast travel and transition between areas in this video, and loading between regions only takes a second or two. If loading times on PS4 were getting you down, then the PS5 upgrade is definitely worth checking out.


Of course, checking out the PlayStation 5 upgrade requires that you actually have a PS5 handy, which is a tall task for a lot of people given the console's rarity. Genshin Impact's PS5 update lands on April 28th, so if you're lucky enough the have a PS5, that's the date you should circle on any calendars you may have on hand.

