Harmonix Wants You To Choose The Songs For Rock Band
It's always cool when a gaming company turns to the community and asks what they want to see in the game. In this case, Harmonix is asking the rocker community what songs that they would like to see in their upcoming Rock Band.
People have complained that the set list for Guitar Hero II was not as good as the original. Honestly, I thought they were about equal. They had different types of songs, which I think is cool. So now they want to make sure that they get their next big title right. You can head over to their website and cast your vote.
I think my vote would have to be for the Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. Really any Zeppelin would be good. Then again there's so many other bands that rock like Metallica, Pink Floyd. AC/DC, or even some lesser-known bands like Annihilator....Man, I don't know what I'm going to pick.
Harmonix wants to know what you'd Rock Band to [via joystiq]