Hands-On With First HTC P4350 In US
Blasphemous it may be, but to my jaded eyes a lot of these HTC Windows Mobile 5.0 cellphones look the same – it's hard to get too excited about the slide-out keyboard we've seen done many times before, or the same little cluster of joypad and keys, even though you know the innards are obviously better. Contrast that against the Sidekick, which – even though it's less powerful and certainly not as flexible – catches the eye time after time with its nifty rotating screen. Anyway, observations aside, The Boy Genius has scored the first HTC P4350 in the US and gifts us some photos.
He's very excited by it, which I suppose given the number of cellphones that make their way through his hands must make it a winner, particularly praising the spring-loaded keyboard slide, caps-lock and function LEDs and a software add-on that means tapping the X actually closes a programme rather than just hides it away, WM5.0-style. It's also fast in operation and is deliciously small. Check out more photos after the cut...

Please turn the lights on, Boy Genius – you'll hurt your eyes!

HTC P4350 Unboxing [The Boy Genius Report]