Hack Your Wii With Only An SD Card And A Copy Of Twilight Princess

I've only had my Wii for a short while, so there are plenty of games that still deserve my attention. Therefore, I've no real need at the moment to worry about hacking the console for the purpose of playing homebrew games or ROMs. However for those watching at home (or work, I won't judge) that want to get their feet wet, the new Twilight Princess Hack is the way to go.


Sure, this hack has essentially been out for a long time, however, it just got a lot easier. In the days of yore you would need a GameCube memory card adapter to pull off this mod-less hack, however, now you need only a trusty SD card. Hit the jump for a quick video that shows you how easy it is to pull off

It really just doesn't get any easier than this folks. Just download a few files, pop them onto your SD card, plug it in and you're good to go.

[via Wii Fanboy]

