Google's Great Democratization Of Virtual Reality
Google is primed to further expand their delivery system for virtual reality content (VR) this year as cardboard is called just "the first step" by the CEO of Alphabet. As we mentioned earlier this morning with the following article, Google's about to make another sweeping gesture: Google Android VR tipped to take on Oculus, Samsung Gear VR. They're going to do it. They're going to come in and give VR to everyone like Oprah giving her audience a bunch of bees. It's going to be amazing.
But what's this got to do with you, the common user? Will your phone suddenly have the ability to create an awesome virtual reality experience? No. Not really. Not suddenly. Already. Your device can already deliver an awesome VR experience without an additional boost from Google.
SEE: Google JUMP made for cameras shooting VR video
So what are they on about?
They're about to make another push for the public. Not just for end users, but developers as well – just as they're meant to at their developer event Google I/O every year.
We recently had a chat with the CEO of YouVisit, Abi Mandelbaum. YouVisit is an awesome VR platform on which a collection of virtual experiences are delivered through multiple headsets – including Google's Cardboard.
Our discussion centered on how now that Google Cardboard has 25 million user downloads (and well over that now), it's "time to stop pushing VR hardware and start creating content."
SEE: John Carmack endorses Google Cardboard
"We're working with a number of exciting organizations to create content – everything from musical performances to romantic weddings to outdoor adventures," said Mandelbaum. "But we also believe that while interactive, awe-inspiring VR content is key to capturing audiences, the continued growth of the technology relies on how we empower consumers to create and share their own customized experiences."
"Today's consumer is not only interested in viewing different types of media, but giving their friends and family a peek into their own world."
" their friends and family a peek into their own world."
"In 2016 and beyond, we are focusing on how to best empower consumers to curate, share and engage with their own content in the same way they now use YouTube."
"While we will also continue to push the limits of how our consumers can engage and be wowed by professionally developed experiences, we believe socially-shared VR content will be what solidifies the value of VR for today's consumers."
What will Google bring? Not necessarily another way to view virtual reality content, but additional ways in which to capture, process, and share.
Google is good at creating democratizing experiences. When VR grabbed a foothold on the public consciousness several years ago with the rise of Oculus, Google gave it away with Cardboard. Now they're going to continue to give this platform a push to see it grow.