Google Stadia Works Fine, But You Don't Need This (Or Anything Like It)
You might be at a point where you're deciding on which cloud gaming/streaming gaming subscription system you'll join. You might be drawn to Google Stadia, the newest system where you can pay a fee to be able to play games on multiple platforms. You might've already decided that you're going to eventually have to subscribe to one cloud gaming system or the other, so you might as well figure out which is best – right? Not so fast, buster.
Google Stadia works pretty well for a fledgeling system of its scale and promise. Have a peek at our full Google Stadia Review for a closer look at what this system can do right out the gate. Then report back here to hear this: You're not going to regret holding out on subscribing to a game streaming service.

Growing pains
Let's just do ONE example of a growing pain situation with Google Stadia. When I use Google Stadia to play a game on a phone, the phone shows the Google Stadia app in portrait mode. This is absurd, since the official Google Stadia Controller "claw" phone holder holds the phone in landscape mode. Every game on Google Stadia is played in landscape mode. But when I want to switch between games, I have to hold the whole contraption sideways.
Not a big deal, right? Sorta reminds me of the first Apple Pencil with its odd choice of charging hardware. You either need to plug the device into the Lightning port on your iPad Pro, or use a dongle to convert a Lightning cord tip into a port. Again, not a big deal, but the big difference between these situations is in the subscription setup.
The original Apple Pencil isn't going to change – it's still out there, being a little goofy. Apple went ahead and changed the way their second-wave Apple Pencil charged, and users were enticed to move on. Google can optimize their software, and will optimize their software if they want to keep subscribers onboard. Such is the nature of a subscription system.
Google Stadia is fine, for now, and in the near future it'll either get better... or fail. Either way, it makes sense here for the individual user – like yourself – to wait to subscribe.

Do you really need to play everything everywhere?
This is more of a question of preference – but consider your current gaming setup. If you're simply wondering if it'd be cool to be able to play AAA games on your smartphone with a controller while you're on your several-hour-long passenger commute, I'd give Google Stadia a shot. If you have a significantly large portion of your day open, where you're currently getting nothing accomplished because you're not able to be at a desk (and you're not driving), Google Stadia might be an OK system to try.
But if you already have no spare time on your hands, you should not subscribe to Google Stadia. Giving yourself access to games on multiple platforms will not make your life any easier – it'll give you more opportunities for entertainment. If that's what you want, go for it!
If you already feel crushed by everyday life because you're constantly staring at screens day-in and day-out, do yourself a favor and give Google Stadia a miss. And the rest of your entertainment subscription services a miss while you're at it!