Google Offers Integration Arrives For Google+ Users
Google Offers integration has arrived in Google+. The initial support will be limited to a handful of participating businesses, however that number is likely to grow with time. For now those looking to get in on the offers should pay attention to the +GoogleOffers page. Google has said the integration will allow users to discover, share and save offers and that appears to be exactly what is available.Google hasn't said when additional brands would begin appearing, however they have said ZAGAT, Hello Kitty,, NOOK and Adafruit Industries are in the initial group. Basically, once you begin following any of these users on Google+ you should begin seeing offers in your stream. As with Google Offers, the actual offer will vary from brand to brand. Once something attracts your attention, you can then get to sharing and saving.
You will be able to save the offers directly from the Google+ post and once they are saved, they can be redeemed from your email confirmation or from the Google Offers app. At present, there is a Google Offers app available for Android and iOS users. Ultimately though, this appears to be another way for Google to not only attract, but keep users within the Google+ world.

Aside from this Google Offers integration, Google I/O also brought talk of additional features for Google+ Photos. Moving forward Google+ Photos users have additional space for storing images. Or alternatively, as opposed to simply saving more images, you can save those images at a higher resolution.
The storage is increasing to 15GB, however it is important to know that will be shared across Gmail, Google+ Photos and Drive. Otherwise, Photos also picked up a feature called Auto Awesome, which is a mashup of Collage, HDR, Smile, Motion and Panorama. Bottom line here, Google Offers is just one on many Google+ additions that we are expecting to see rolling out.
SOURCE: Google+