Google Maps Real-Time ETA Sharing Feature Arrives On iOS

Google has added a new feature to Google Maps for iOS: the ability to send an ETA to someone else. The feature was recently updated for Android users back in August and now it can be used from an iPhone, as well. With it, Google Maps users on iOS can share their live location with contacts in real time, enabling others to see their ETA without waiting for manual updates.


The feature is simple to use; after starting a trip, the user taps the "^" button and chooses "Share trip progress." Contacts will receive the trip's route and ETA, as well as the user's location in real time. The update also enables users on both iOS and Android to share the trips on third-party apps like Messenger.

There's an obvious benefit to the feature: users can keep track of someone whose trip may otherwise be concerning. A grandparent heading out to a new destination, for example, can be monitored by someone to ensure they get help if lost. In the same way, parents can take a look at their teen's ride to make sure the car is going to the proper destination.

The feature also provides hand-free access for individuals awaiting another person's arrival. Rather than having to guess when they'll show up or hope for an update during a stop, the driver can share their live location with users before leaving, dedicating their full attention to the road.


The feature automatically stops sharing the user's location with contacts when the driver arrives at their destination. The improved trip sharing feature is similarly available for bicycling and walking.

SOURCE: Google Blog

