Google Maps adds ridesharing and bikes to transit directions

Google Maps and, later, Waze have changed the way we navigate through roads and streets but another revolution also changed the way we travel. While it's not unusual for many to take multiple modes of transportation on a single trip, nowadays some people prefer to cover that last mile with less conventional means, like two-wheeled bicycles and the even more recent ridesharing system. Fortunately, Google Maps is now adapting to the latest trends and will inform users of such options when trying to find their way to their destination.


Ride hailing and ridesharing services have grown in popularity and use in countries across the world. The aim has always been to reduce traffic congestion by sharing rides but some have developed their own reasons for subscribing to the market, whether as a driver or a rider. Whatever the reason, it's no longer something Google can ignore in presenting Maps users with choices on how to get from point A to point B.

When entering a destination, Google Maps will include routes that include ridesharing and cycling options alongside the usual transit data. Users will be able to see how long each leg of the ridesharing journey will take as well as the traffic situation on those routes. They can also key in their provider of choice to see other options like pooling or economy class.


Others prefer to help reduce carbon footprint by reducing the use of engines completely. Google Maps will present cyclists with bicycle-friendly paths as well as the estimated time it'll take you for the entire trip. Of course, this option only make sense for cyclists or countries were bicycle rentals are available.

Google says that the update to Maps will be rolling out to both Android and iOS apps in the coming weeks. Availability, however, is limited to around 30 unnamed countries at launch with more promised to follow. It's definitely an overdue update that finally takes into account how a growing number of the population now travels, whether for economical or environmental reasons.

