Google Image Search on mobile will soon display related trivia

Anyone who has experienced the Wikipedia Rabbit Hole will know first hand how dangerous it can be to have quick access to interconnected information. Even worse if such information is related to or contains visual representation in the form of photos and graphs. And yet that is exactly what Google will soon be offering to anyone searching for images on their mobile phones, giving them the information they never knew they wanted right at their fingertips, literally.


Google has been increasing the amount of information you get from a simple image search. What started with captions in thumbnails has grown searching for images within images. But while that additional information may be directly related to the image itself, Google Search's next trick will be to go beyond what may be directly related.

If, for example, you're looking for a famous architect's works, you will be presented with additional information that may be related to an award that the architect received or the origin of the name for one of those works. A simple tap will expand that information to reveal details and links that will get you started on your path down the Google Image Search Rabbit Hole.


What may seem like simple magic for end users is, of course, a product of Google's Knowledge Graph. Deep learning analyzes an image's visual and textual data and combines it with that Google Search has already indexed and understood about the site where the images are found. These are then connected and matched with topics in the Knowledge Graph to present interface information to users.

The catch with this new Image Search feature is that it will initially be available only on mobile for US users. It will also focus initially on images of people, places, and things before expanding to more kinds of images and languages over time.

