Google Just Gave Free Movie Tickets To Local Guides
Free movie tickets, just in time for Avengers: Infinity War, just what the doctor ordered. That's what Google made real this week via Google Maps Local Guides. "Just in time for some of the season's biggest movies," said Google, "we've teamed up with Atom to get you a free movie ticket. Use the app to redeem your perk by June 3, 2018."
In a nutshell
Users of the Local Guides system got a perk this week in collaboration with ATOM. It's not known whether this perk was sent to ALL Local Guides members, or if it was only for those that'd completed a certain level of accomplishment before the promo was released. What IS known is that this isn't the first perk ever released to Local Guides users.
How do I get a ticket?
If you've contributed to Google Maps with the Local Guides program in the last year or two, have a peek in your email inbox today. The email went by the name "You earned a new movie perk" and it came from the "noreply-local-guides" email from Google dot com, aka Google Local Guides. If you were a Local Guide and you DID get the email, you'll find a code.
Users need to download the Atom Tickets app, choose a film, and add at least 1 ticket to their cart. At the checkout in the app, the user needs to add the code from the email. Codes were restricted to use before June 3rd, 2018.
How do I become a Local Guide?
If you've never been a Local Guide for Google Maps before, the process is super simple. Go to Google Maps Local Guides and click around. It does not cost any cash – and if at any point you find that you're entering in your credit card number, you've done something wrong. Being a Local Guide for Google Maps is basically providing Google with information they'd otherwise have to employ someone to attain – so really, they should be paying you. But they don't. Which is why there are perks.