Google Fiber Network: 100x Faster Broadband Promised [Video]

Google have announced the latest stage in their plans to accelerate broadband speeds, with a scheme to offer 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections for between 50,000 and 500,000 people across the US.  Describing their planned service as "competitive", the fiber network would offer connections around 100 times the speed of the current average US broadband.


With the new system in place, Google are hoping to experiment with new uses of high-speed connectivity.  That could include bandwidth-intensive applications and services, together with looking at the physical ways in which fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is deployed.

While they're not taking sign-ups as yet, Google are calling for information – from communities and from service providers – to help them decide on their initial roll-out areas.  Responses will be accepted until March 26th, and you can register your details here.

