Google Duplex on mobile Chrome will soon let you buy movie tickets

Duplex is one of Google's most interesting, and sometimes most worrying, products to be revealed in recent years. It combines a few key Google technologies, including Google Assistant, Search and Knowledge Graph, language processing, and, of course, machine learning. When it first came out, it was at the service of those trying to book restaurants or even services. Now Duplex is preparing to help smartphone users book movie tickets but, this time, without even saying a word.


Duplex became both famous and infamous for its ability to hold a real-time, real-world conversation with a receptionist in order to book a table or a salon appointment. That's only the "visible" half of its capabilities though, as the other half is its ability to fill in forms with the data you supplied as well as the data Google already has on you.

Last May, Google debuted Duplex's ability to make hotel and car reservations in Chrome for Android. These types of services often don't involve talking with humans and are more about selecting options and filling out forms on web pages. Duplex's intelligence also shines through as it immediately knows, based on your personal information and emails, what you need and when.


Android Police reports that Google is close to bringing the same convenience to booking movie tickets. It starts with choosing a movie and selecting a booking site and if the latter supports Duplex, you can tap on the Google Assistant prompt to help automate the process. You'll still be asked for specifics like how many tickets you want to buy or the seats you want to take but the rest will be filled out using Google Duplex.

The feature is still in testing and Google is pretty coy on when it will actually roll out. The feature will also depend on partner booking services and cinemas and, for now, it seems that only AMC and Fandango are included.

