Gaming Industry Surging Amongst Downtrodden Economy

I doubt that it will come as a shock to anyone that our economy isn't exactly booming. Quite to the contrary, we're in one hell of a slump. What does seem to surprise most market analysts is that the gaming industry seems to be impervious to the downward sales trends seen almost everywhere else.


According to simExchange, "retailers announced that they have posted negative same store sales growth for February and many economists warned that the United States economy is currently in a recession or on the verge of one. Irrespective to that, the video game industry continues to post record growth and although no leisure/entertainment sector can be considered 'recession proof,' the video game industry continues to prove to be one of the very few industries to have the least elasticity to the current economic environment."

This leads me to two separate trains of thought. Either one, people are choosing to take a break from their worldly worries by immersing themselves in the virtual worlds provided by video games, or the industry as a whole is putting out such great titles that no one can resist buying at least a few games here and there.


[via GamaSutra]

