Gaming industry booms despite sagging economy

The economy over the last year or so hasn't been as strong as it was in previous years. That means that many tech companies from the small all the way to giants like Microsoft took a hit as people and businesses stopped buying many tech items. Despite the fact that some in the tech industry were hurting, the gaming industry was doing well.


A new report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has been published and the report found that the gaming software industry had a real annual growth rate from 2005 to 2009 of 10%. That growth rate was more than seven times as high as the growth rate of the economy as a whole.

The report also claims that over 32,000 people work directly in the computer and video game industry and that the average worker in the field makes $89,781 yearly. The report also shows that many of those workers are in Texas with 13,613 directly and indirectly working in the gaming industry in the state alone. California is the state with the highest number of people working in the gaming industry.

