#FreeFortnite Cup Is An Unsubtle Jab At Apple
No, Fortnite isn't going to be free for just one day since the game is free-to-play anyway. Epic Games is, instead, organizing what initially sounds like a celebration but is unambiguously its way of rallying sympathy and support in its fight against Apple. And, of course, it's offering up rewards, both in-game and real-world that will proudly display not only gamers' skills in the game but their disdain for Apple's App Store policies.
On August 27, Epic Games will roll out Fortnite's Chapter 2 – Season 4 installment but because Apple has removed the game from the iOS App Store, iPhone owners won't be able to get that update. As such, these mobile gamers will be left behind in Chapter 2 – Season 3 and will no longer be able to play with other Fortniters on other platforms.
That's why Epic Games is holding the #FreeFortnite Cup on August 23 as the last time all Fortnite players will be able to play together, regardless of their platform or device. It's almost like a bittersweet way to say farewell to iOS users but Epic Games' intentions are unambiguous. It wants to call players' attention to its current situation and take shots at Apple while at it.
The latter is through two rewards for proficient Fortnite gamers. One is probably easier to achieve, with a "Tart Tycoon Outfit" representing Epic Games' parody of Apple's iconic 1984 commercial. The other is a cap emblazoned with a bitten llama, Fortnite's mascot, in the old Apple rainbow colors. There are also some more expensive rewards in the form of devices you can play Fortnite on. Spoiler: none of them are from Apple.

Epic Games makes a point to remind people where they can play Fortnite, including on mobile but without mentioning Google. It does recommend iOS players to checkout other compatible phones (hint: Android) and install Fortnite from the Epic Games app or from Samsung's Galaxy Store. It is, of course, banking on Fortnite players being loyal or addicted enough to be willing to buy a new phone just to be able to keep up with the game and, truth be told, some might be, indeed.