Fortnite Leak Reveals New Vehicle With A Mounted Gun
It looks like Fortnite is about to get a new vehicle, one that will have a built-in gun for taking on opponents and builds. The new item was leaked by a game data miner who discovered mention of the vehicle/weapon in the game's code, hinting at another fun addition potentially arriving this season.
Cars in Fortnite make it easier to get around the map without the general boredom of running everywhere. Assuming you have at least one teammate with you, they can knock out the window and use that to shoot at any opponents who may be nearby. This, however, is a bit tricky because of how limited the player is.
A gun mounted on the vehicle would offer much better access to any builds or players who are nearby (though, no doubt, it would also leave you more exposed to attacks), potentially making the vehicle suitable as a weapon itself rather than just a way to get around. And, at least based on a new leak, we may see a vehicle like this arrive in the coming weeks.
The detail comes from data miner "VastBlast" who shared a bit of game code in a tweet — it mentions a 'Fort Dagwood Vehicle' that will feature a mod that adds a 'Mounted Gun.' What's less clear, however, is whether the vehicle will arrive in the general battle royale island or if it will be limited to a particular mode, potentially Creative.
The addition wouldn't be terribly surprising — if you've been playing Fortnite long enough, you likely remember when turrets were available as an item. These weapons were insanely powerful and could be used to shred builds and players alike, ultimately resulting in complaints and, later on, a nerf that made them far less appealing.