Fortnite High Stakes: Release Time, Leaks, All The Other Info

Within hours of this release, Fortnite: High Stakes will be released into the wild, with a Wild Card. Someone cut the brakes – it was Charlie. Why? Because he's the wild card. While I can't fully comprehend why this event does not include a wild stallion t-shirt for a new skin, I do happen to have a few details to share. We're just a few hours away from the launch of Fortnite: High Stakes!


There's a new set of skins in this event called Wild Card. It'll be a lovely white suit that you'll get ALL dirty right away. This suit has a set of options for masks, and it'll include a safe, too. The safe unfolds into its own glider, which you'll use for pure chaos.

What to do

High Stakes centers in on a match titled "The Getaway." In this match, you'll be asked to complete some tasks, if you do so dare. In these tasks, you'll get some fancy rewards!

I'm to understand and relay unto you that you'll get a lovely new crowbar if you complete all 3 new challenges during this event. There's an XP 5,000 bonus in the mix for people that play 10 matches of "The Getaway" (during this event). Do go playing 9 matches the last day of the potential 2 weeks this event's probably scheduled for. Do it all the first day!


If you happen to be up against an opponent carrying some jewels, be sure to bash the living gems out of them. If you're able to deliver 500 damage to "jewel carrying opponents" you'll get a bonus. The same goes for picking up a jewel in 5 different matches of The Getaway.

How to do

This release contains a lovely grappling gun. Just like Batman, users will use this gun to scale buildings and attain jewels. Because Batman steals gems and jewels, right? This grappling gun has a total of 7 shots per match – use them well!


To win this new game mode, users will need to attain the crystal llama from a safe. Players will need to pick the lock of the safe first – and this will take a few moments to do, so travel in pairs! Once the safe is open, the journey begins with the llama back to your getaway van!

Before you fly off ramming your head into walls with excitement, make sure you time your coma right – the event begins at 4AM Eastern Time. This Fortnite event begins with a patch at 4AM ET, Wednesday, September 5th. Servers should be online within a few hours of the first patch – you might want to sleep at some point between here and then. But keep SlashGear open for the launch when we'll have more info than you'll be able to wave a shiny stick at.


