For The Pig In Everyone-The Piggy Vacuum

Feel the need to flaunt your pig-like traits? Now you can buy a vacuum that declares it to the world. It's a little handheld vacuum shaped like a pig and powered by batteries. This means if you were brave enough you could carry this in your car.


My sister has this thing for pigs, I've never understood it, but she has pig everything. I generally try not to ask because it makes her happy and anything that can make a 13 year old happy is a friggin miracle. Odds are at some point she is going to find this and add it to her already massive collection, I guess if it makes her clean her room more my Mom would be ecstatic.

Personally, I think the only people who should own one of these are very young girls. It you are above the age of 20 it's just not right. If you would in fact like to make a girlie in your life happy these only cost $16.

Piggy Vacuum: Feel Good About Yourself [via Gizmodo]

