Fatal1ty "World's Fastest" GeForce 8800 Video Card Put To The Test
I can just imagine pro-gamer Fatal1ty ringing his mom from the launch of his latest branded accessory: "Mom, I've finally made it, my face is on the side of a video card!" Not just any video card, of course; it's what manufacturer XFX are calling the "world's fastest" based on the GeForce 8800. The refreshingly cynical swines over at Elite Bastards ripped dismissively through the packaging and set to work putting some seriously impressive claims - including 650MHz core clock speed - to the test.
Does it live up to self-fuelled expectations? Well, the retail package as a whole might not add up to much, but performance where it matters really does scream.
"Assuming that your resolution or anti-aliasing level demands aren't overly stratospheric, then there simply isn't a faster GeForce 8800 GTS board at this price point" Elite Bastards
Of course, you have to balance that against seeing Fatal1ty's glum, moody face every day should your PC have a window in the case.
XFX GeForce 8800 GTS Fatal1ty video card review [Elite Bastards]