Fallout 3 DRM Won't Be That Bad

Fallout 3 is a game that is seriously anticipated. And while it used to only be available on PCs, it will now, for the first time, be available on the Xbox 360 as well. That development spells DRM issues and Bethesda developer, Pete Hines attempted to set the record straight during an interview with Shack News.


The good news, is Fallout 3 would not include strict DRM like other developers use. There won't be an install limit and the harshest security will probably be a CD-key. This is all reassuring and hopefully will keep those extremely frustrated with companies' attempts at restricting your use of products happy.


This is definitely going to be an interesting multi-platform release. You should be able to pick up your copy of Fallout 3 starting on October 28, 2008 for PCs, Xbox 360 and PS3.

[via CrunchGear]

