FAA Gives OK To Mobile Devices During Entire Flight
Today the folks at the regulatory department for the air – the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – have given the green light for all-flight-long mobile device use for passengers. This OK extends to airlines across the United States starting as soon as tomorrow. A note from the FAA gives few restrictions to this new allowance, suggesting that "Airplane Mode" should still be initiated on all mobile devices, and that there are still holds on being able to make or take phone calls in the air. In other words – get out your Angry Birds and keep on popping!
The push today from the FAA suggests that tests done with the full gamut of devices passengers might use has indeed resulted in an all-clear. There's apparently no big risk in using devices of (almost) any kind, provided they have their internet communications segments cut off. How about that?

Have a peek at these few restrictions from the FAA, and make sure you're hitting that Airplane Mode button before you get onboard – or right as they'd normally tell you to turn the devices off.
Passengers will eventually be able to read e-books, play games, and watch videos on their devices during all phases of flight, with very limited exceptions. Electronic items, books, and magazines, must be held or put in the seat back pocket during the actual takeoff and landing roll.
Cell phones should be in airplane mode or with cellular service disabled — i.e., no signal bars displayed — and cannot be used for voice communications based on FCC regulations that prohibit any airborne calls using cell phones. If your air carrier provides Wi-Fi service during flight, you may use those services. You can also continue to use short-range Bluetooth accessories, like wireless keyboards.
Delta airlines will (possibly) be initiating their ease in device use as soon as tomorrow. That's November 1st, if you're counting. They also suggest that this plan will affect not quite all flights, but certainly most of them. Expect different regulations when you land outside the USA.

It's important to note also that you'll still be asked to take a break and listen to flight information while onboard, watch the safety video they show – or the flight attendants showing off the gear and the exits – and the normal chat. Sound alright to you?