Epic Games Apple sign-in removed this Friday

Today Epic Games revealed that they'd cut their connection with Apple's sign-in system as of September 11, 2020. This is the latest in a line of actions by Apple and Epic Games in a legal battle over in-app purchases. Much like the rest of the updates from both companies over the last couple of weeks, Epic Games blames Apple for the update in sign-in abilities in Epic Games accounts.


Per the release this week, "Apple will no longer allow users to sign into Epic Games accounts using 'Sign In with Apple' as soon as September 11, 2020." Epic Games suggested this morning that users that have used an Apple sign-in with an Epic Games account will need to make a significant switch, SOON.

If you've used Sign In with Apple with an Epic Games account in the past, you'll need to sign in as soon as possible. Once signed in, you'll need to update your Epic Games account to a different email – and update your password while you're at it. If you do NOT change your email before September 11, 2020, you'll be in for a real mess of trouble – and you might no longer have access to your Epic Games account at all from that point forward.


If you used Sign In with Apple and avoided the setting up of an Epic Games account password, you'll need to do that. You'll need to sign in to your Epic Games account and head over to the Account Password page. If you've gotten this far and did not update your password before September 11, 2020, you'll want to head over to the Forgot Password page at Epic Games and cross your fingers and your toes and hope that you'll have the opportunity to get in!

Take a peek at the timeline below for additional information on the Epic Games VS Apple legal battle that began to rage in the summer of 2020.

