E-Ten Announcing New Media Phone In Barcelona Called The V900
E-Ten, the makers of the GloFish phones is apparently diving head first into the media-capable phone market, something they haven't had much of a hand in, in the past. This particular phone will have support for all sorts of wirelessly streamed media including DVB-T, DVB-H, T-DMB, DAB, and probably 3G.
The 3G is only probably because the only inclination of a 3G connection we have is the video conferencing camera on the front. Some are even going as far as to predict that the handset will work for both calling and ATT's 3G HSDPA network.
What is a little hard to believe is the stated 667MHz Samsung processor. However that combined with the 128MB of RAM should make Windows Mobile run a little less abysmally. Word is it will be unveiled in both blue and black versions at the Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM) on February 11th.
E-Ten V900 mobile 3G, TV phone spotted [via electronista]