Dreamcast Game Development Tools Return With ESTk

There's little doubt now that there's at least a tiny bit of interest left in the world of Dreamcast gaming. That Sega-made platform still exists in the wild – in the "Used" section of gaming stores, mostly, but in the households and attics of massive amounts of fans across the planet. With the release of ESTk, development of games for the platform can continue.


The team at Elysian Shadows have created a game by the same name, releasing it via a KickStarter (which, mind you, still needs a few bucks before it's funded). Their most recent update includes word of the ESTk development kit.

With this kit, creators will make good on their promises to release such a package – promises made in their video series "Adventures in Game Development." You can access this series though the same account the following video comes from.

ESTk is modeled after Unity – that's a cross-platform toolkit made for developers to expand their game beyond whatever platform they developed on in the first place. With ESTk, developers will be able to create and deploy games to the following platforms:


• Windows

• Linux

• Mac

• iOS

• Android


• Dreamcast

The Elysian Shadows team has also noted that they'll be expanding coverage to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, 2DS, and PlayStation Vita depending on if they reach stretch goals in their crowdfunding venture. Sound alright?

