Do Not Download Android N
Google's new Android N Developer Preview software shows off new features as well as plentiful reason why it's not meant for general users. Google has made clear that this update to the operating system is made for developers – not for everyday average Android device owners. As such – and since it's been released so very early – Android N is not for you. Unless of course you're a developer. A developer who likes to find bugs.
Have a peek in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) issue tracker for Android Developer Preview N. There you'll find issues listed every few minutes, with issues appearing as early as yesterday afternoon just about as quick as the first developer could download and load the software.
OR YOU COULD SEE: How to download Android N!
Issues range from notifications menu pull-down space being too massive to devices being bricked by the operating system image. TO BE CLEAR it only seems as though ONE user found their Nexus 9 LTE bricked, but that could well be because of a mistaken download – there are two versions, after all.
Google's very clear message in Advisories on the release of Android N is as follows: "This release has various stability and performance issues on all devices that make it not suitable for daily use on phone or tablet, especially for non-developers."
Google also suggests that they're fully aware that both system and app performance will be "periodically slow / janky" and that your device, when Android N is loaded, could become "occasionally unresponsive."

Battery life for you, the developer, "may be regressed" – both with display on and display off. You'll find that Google's warnings also cover both Google's app and apps made by 3rd-party developers. In fact, as Google says, "This early build is not Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) approved. Apps that depend on CTS approved builds (Android Pay for example) won't work."
In short: do not download Android N.
Not unless you do this sort of thing for a living.