DIY In-Car Laptop Desk

While it looks a little like an in-car toilet, this is in fact Merle Braley's latest laptop desk for mobile use.  The compact evolution of what used to be a full "office on wheels", it's made from PVC pipework and can be twisted around for easy use both as a GPS sat-nav and for rest-stop typing.


Merle uses a GPS receiver with retractable USB cord fixed with velcro to the laptop's case for navigation, running Microsoft's Streets and Trips 2007.  A data connection courtesy of his cellphone meant he could keep up to date with email, too (while parked, of course).


Although impressive, I can't help but think that the more regular traveller might be better served with a UMPC.  At least then you could comfortably fit a passenger; looks like it might be something of a squeeze riding shotgun with Merle!

Just Outside Boston [via MAKE:]

