DIY Android mascot crochet figure is cool

I am not the artsy craft sort. My grandmother was serious crochet machine and she could crochet like the wind. It was like watching one of those continuous feed printers going at it. If you can crochet or are willing to learn, you can make your own Android mascot using the instructions that have turned up online.


The company offering the instructions is bethsco blog and they sell finished bots too. The catch is that the robots are backordered for 2-3 weeks. This is where the DIY action comes in. The site offers the instructions for making your own.

You need some green yarn, an H hook, and some time. The finished droid mascot stands 5.5" tall and looks cool. The only thing the site asks is that you don't sell the finished product or sell the pattern. I want one with human thumbs grafted on.

Via Android Community

