Disney's Epic Mickey 2 Confirmed, Detailed

The addictingly unique and boldly unexpected adventure game Epic Mickey is heading for a sequel. This was always a question of when, not if, but now we are starting to get some of the first details about what the new entry in what could be a long-running franchise will entail. For starters, Epic Mickey 2 will be available on all major platforms (PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii), not just the Wii. Second, the story will be presented as a musical, a nod to the classic format of vintage animated Disney movies.


The new game's official title will be Disney Epic Mickey: The Power of Two. As you might expect from that title, multiplayer gaming will be encouraged, with a full cooperative gameplay mechanic. In addition, developers hope to address some of the issues that plagued the preceding title. Specifically, many critics complained that Epic Mickey had awkward and unpleasant camera controls, which made navigating through levels an unnecessarily arduous process at times.

According to developer Warren Spector, the camera issues have been in the process of being tweaked for Epic Mickey 2 ever since the day the team finished Epic Mickey. "They'll be working on it until the day we ship the second game. [There have been] over 1,000 specific changes made to the camera. Our goal is that you will not have to touch the manual camera controls even once to play through the main story path of this game," he said in an interview. There is no confirmed release window yet for the new game title.


[via Gamasutra]

