Devil May Cry 5 'Ultra Limited Edition' Bundles Are Absurdly Expensive
If you're a big Devil May Cry fan, now is your chance to put your money where you mouth is. Capcom has announced three different "Ultra Limited Edition" bundles for Devil May Cry 5, and all of them are supremely expensive. We're not entirely sure who would buy one of these multi-thousand dollar bundles, but we're sure they're out there somewhere.
What makes these bundles so expensive? Each one comes a real-life replica jacket worn by one of the game's three playable characters. That means there's a bundle for Dante, one for Nero, and a third for V, who will be making his debut in Devil May Cry 5.

The bundle featuring Dante's jacket is, unsurprisingly, the most expensive of the bunch. Clocking in a ¥900,000, you're looking at paying just a touch under $8,000 for this. Nero's bundle is slightly less expensive, with a price tag of ¥750,000 or $6,648. V's bundle is the least expensive, perhaps owing to the fact that he's a new character and won't have the fan following that Dante and Nero do. Still, you'll be paying ¥600,000 to own his jacket bundle, which translates to a not-insignificant $5,318.

All three jackets are only available in one size, with the dimensions for each outlined on Capcom's website. It seems that each bundle comes with three pieces of artwork and a copy of the game for either PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, so the bulk of the cost definitely comes from the jacket. You can't even buy these like you would a copy of the game – instead, you need to contact Capcom directly and make a reservation.

The reservation period runs from today to Monday, November 19, so it'll be open for just about a month. At the moment, these bundles have only been confirmed for Japan, and it's hard to see Capcom bringing them overseas. There's always a possibility that'll happen, though, so we'll keep an ear to the ground for more. In the meantime, head down to the comments section and let us know if you'd ever consider buying one of these bundles.