Dell Crystal LCD Monitor Shows Off With Reason

If you were to ask me which brand of computers I thought were the most temperamental I'd have to say Dell. I've never come across a more spiteful computer in my life, however, the temperament I feel coming off the Crystal LCD Monitor runs along the lines of vanity, and I have to say, there is a good reason.


It looks sharp. It's been shown off for awhile as a concept design but now it's finally coming to the masses. This 22-inch monitor has a 1680x1050 res, 4 speakers, a webam and a 98% color gamat with it's TrueColor technology. It has a polished metal tripod stand and a 4mm floating tempered glass design.

This limited edition monitor is going for $1199. That's a lot to pay for just a monitor, but it is beautiful and enough to make anyone jealous.

Dell [via Gizmodo]

