Dedicated RIM Service Set Up in Mideast

Worried about wiretapping? Don't move to the mideastern section of the world. After facing a threat from the United Arab Emirates that they'd suspend service completely to a number of customers on Blackberry devices, the manufacturer is pleased to have reached an agreement with local officials. Not only that, they've set up a special channel of service for that area. Hooray! Right? Sort of. That line is still tapped, as per government regulation.


Blackberry Messenger messages sent in the UAE were the ones the government had a problem with, and the 500,000 Blackberry users in the country would probably have been sad if their phones no longer had any service. Research in Motion gave a high five to the government officials though, luckily, and all the wiretap standards were met. Good, huh? Back to texting about... not... anything bad about our state officials, that's for sure!

[Via TGDaily]

