Corning Donates $1.8M In Hardware To Private Space Telescope

A cancelled NASA program appears to be the source of a major stash of mirror components Corning will soon be donating to a private cause. Suggesting the original project will not be revealed due to customer confidentiality, Corning has made note that they'll be sending the collection to BoldlyGo Institute. This group will be aiming to put its ASTRO-1 telescope into orbit within the next 15 years.


To do this, BoldlyGo Institute will need cash, as well. BoldlyGo CEO Jon Morse, former director of astrophysics at NASA, suggests they're projecting the ASTRO-1 venture to cost "well under" $1 billion USD. Despite that, they'll still need help.

The ASTRO-1 will benefit greatly from the donation of $1.8 million worth of "high-tech components" according to BoldlyGo. "Corning has made numerous contributions to frontier space science missions," said Dr. Morse, "and this donation makes it possible for ASTRO-1 to continue in that great tradition."

Corning also made certain to mention how they've been working with NASA for generations. They've worked with the space organization to provide "window glass for all of NASA's manned spacecraft missions and the International Space Station."


We look forward to seeing what BoldlyGo will do in the near future – stay tuned as we follow their path to space!

