Clippy Emoji Confirmed For Windows As v14.0 List Solidifies For September
The next wave of Emoji will launch at the turn of the month – but not before Microsoft releases Clippy. The classic living paperclip character has officially made its way to the next upgrade in Emoji in Windows products, courtesy of a Twitter dare. After suggesting that they'd make Clippy into an Emoji if a Tweet reached a certain number of likes – that happened several times over, so here comes Clippy – with a few other changes to Emoji in tow.
In an announcement this week by Microsoft, it was confirmed that Clippy will be in the company's latest set of Emoji updates. Clair Anderson, Art Director and Emojiologist noted today that "Over 1,800 emoji exist within Microsoft 365, and we've been working for the past year to dramatically refresh them by creating a system that is innately Fluent."
In addition to making thousands of Emoji feel congruent in Windows products, Microsoft is working on new Emoji that might one day make their way to your workplace. Concept sketches were shown this week including: multi-tasking, you're on mute, no camera day, parenting-while-working, and "the pajama suit."

Do these look good to you? Do you wish you had an expanded list of Emoji at your disposal?
The first place you'll see the newest set of Emoji from Microsoft's newest collection is in Flipgrid. Clippy and crew will appear in Teams and in Windows proper "this holiday season." They'll appear in Yammer, Outlook, "and more" throughout the year 2022.
Meanwhile there'll be a new update to Emoji everywhere courtesy of Emoji 14.0 that'll be released with Unicode 14.0 in September of 2021. Per Emojipedia, any candidate approved for final release will come to major platforms "either in late 2021, or throughout 2022." The draft collection includes such Emoji as Melting Face, Palm Up Hand with a variety of skin tones, Rightwards and Leftwards Hand with a variety of skin tones, Pregnant Man, Troll, Jar, Wheel, Bubbles, Pouring Liquid, Lotus, X-Ray, Mirror Ball, Hamsa, and Nest with Eggs. And a few others – coming soon!