CDC warns E. coli infections linked to popular sandwich restaurant

In a newly published Food Safety Alert, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has revealed that it is investigating an outbreak of E. coli infections that have been linked back to a popular fast-food chain. Key to the infections are the clover sprouts used by this company, according to the CDC, which says that related cases of E. coli have appeared in several states.


At this point in time, the contaminated clover sprouts were linked back to some Jimmy John's restaurants. The FDA has joined the CDC and state officials in investigating this outbreak, including whether the same contaminated clover sprouts are being served at other restaurants.

The agency says that anyone who ate clover sprouts from a Jimmy John's restaurant before February 24 may be at risk of developing an E. coli infection. As you'd expect, the CDC is also warning that if you have a sandwich from the restaurant that contains clover sprouts, you should throw it away.

The good news is that once the outbreak was linked to the restaurant, it was able to take steps to prevent further infections. The agency reports that all Jimmy John's restaurants stopped serving clover sprouts to customers as of February 24. If you go to a Jimmy John's restaurant and your sandwich happens to include this plant, you should discard it and ask for one without the sprouts.


At this point in time, the CDC says there have been 14 related cases of E. coli reported in five states. None of these cases required hospitalization or have resulted in deaths. The earliest case surfaced on January 6. At this point in time, it's unknown whether any retailers are selling contaminated sprouts or if any other restaurants are serving them.

